Monday, 17 February 2014

Ten facts about Crabs

Ten facts about Crabs

Fact 1
Crabs live on land and in all the waters of the world and especially in the tropical regions. They spend most of their time in freshwater.

Fact 2
They have eyes on short stalks and a hard protective carapace or covering of bone or chitin which covers the inner organs.

Fact 3
The lifespan of crabs is in the range of 8 to 13 years.

Fact 4
Males have larger claws than female crabs. The females’ abdomen is wide and round compared to the slender abdomen of males.

Fact 5
Male crabs can be differentiated by looking underneath the shell. Females have a dome whereas the males have a phallic exterior.

Fact 6
They walk in to one side and some even walk backwards. The claw of crabs easily grows back if they lose one. The swim paddles help them swim.

Fact 7
The exoskeleton of the crabs protects them from predators and provides support for their bodies. They are also arthropods and have segmented appendages. Crabs communicate by drumming their claws or flapping their pincers.

Fact 8
They are omnivorous and feed predominantly on algae. Crabs teeth are in their stomachs. Some species consume bacterial, crustaceans, worms, mollusks, fungi and detritus.

Fact 9
Crabs are decapods, which means they have ten limbs. The collective name for a group of crabs is a cast.

Fact 10
Babies of crabs are called hatchlings.

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